The unfortunate reality we, as South Africans face, is that one constantly has to remain on high-alert as a result of widespread crime throughout the country and the chance to be caught off guard. Permanently keeping a sense of situational awareness is both nerve-wracking and energy-consuming. It takes our attention away from the things that matter and ultimately reduces quality of life. Change that with Smart Home Security.
As of 2017, more is being spent by South African citizens on private security than ever before, R45-billion a year, to be exact. That’s a third more than the government spent on the police last year, making South Africa’s private security industry the fourth largest in the world per capita.
As we all know, crime strikes fast and crime strikes hard. Too often, relying on security agencies is not as effective as we’d like to believe. The patrolling of these figures within the cities and suburbs could be effective as a deterrent to some extent, but sadly the majority of the time they are only able to arrive on scene after an incident has occurred. What we need is a system that allows us to feel free and feel safe. We need a system where our fate is not left in the hands of others. We need a system that allows us to feel like WE have the control.
What is this system we are referring to? Allow me to introduce you to Connex Connect.
In today’s fast-paced world, isn’t it comforting to know you can be home at the touch of a button? From monitoring your children while you are at work, to being able to interact with those in the room while you are not; Connex Connect offers you a solution to digital living with endless possibilities. Everything is connected and your home is evolving. Connex Connect is a Smart Home solution designed for easy setup, easy integration, and full control of your home. It hosts a range of products that turn your ordinary home into a futuristic smart home, all controlled from one app.
Regarding security, there are several products available on SmartSpeakers that would allow you to act as the first line of defense in keeping your possessions safe, but more importantly keeping your family safe. At a fraction of the price one would expect, you canny fully kit your house with a range of products that act as both deterrents as well as back up in the case of if something goes wrong and evidence is needed in order to co-operate with law enforcement so justice can be rightfully served. Live with a better ease of mind.
Some products in our range that will assist in this objective include:
Indoor- and outdoor cameras – Smart Home Security:
Receive instant notification of movement or sound detected by cameras, and a snapshot of the picture or cause. Video footage is recorded on a SD card and can be viewed and downloaded via the Connex Connect App.
Window/door sensors – Smart Home Security:
Unauthorized movements, doors and windows opening sends an instant notification to your smartphone. Easily program the sensors to trigger lights which turn on as soon as someone enters either a room inside the house or if a possible perpetrator lurks outside the house, creating the illusion that someone is present and alert of their unwelcome presence, all via the Connex Connect App.
Smart bulb/LED strip lighting – Smart Home Security:
Connex Connect has a range of smart lightbulbs and LED strips that not only can be used to create different ambiances inside or outside the house, but it can also be used for security when connected seamlessly with the sensors. Be smart, use it both for pleasure and “business”. Schedule the lighting to go on and off at different times in different sections of your property, create the illusion of your house never being unguarded.
We know, we know. We’ve all watched many movies that have made us paranoid and leads us to believe this technology could eventually turn against us or be infiltrated by hackers. Rest assured, all communications with your smart tech devices and the cloud are secured using the most advanced AES 256 encryption and firmware uses TLS (Transport Layer Security), to ensure your smart devices remain secure and safe.
All of this is available, and more, on our website. Click here to view our full range of Connex Connect products at the most competitive prices nation-wide. As if it’s not already cool enough; all Connex Connect products are fully integrated with our Google Smart Assistant and Amazon Echo Devices, allowing you to control your safety without lifting a finger. Literally”.
Take control of your own safety. Be the first line of defense.